Arbonne Independent Consultant #12609564

Arbonne Independent Consultant  #12609564
A Cruelty Free, 'Green' Premium Swiss Brand

Friday, September 5, 2014

Network Marketing - THE Billion Dollar Industry

For those who have little to no knowledge about the Network Marketing Industry, (or a negative view), I hope this will encourage you to research on your own and rethink what you thought you knew. Also, if you've had a negative experience, or were 'taken for a ride' in a pyramid scheme, please don't allow that to hinder you from building the life you deserve for you and your family. The Network Marketing Industry will create more millionaires than any other industry within the next decade (Paul Zane Pilzer). It is the answer to those wanting to live the American Dream and thought it was never attainable... legally.  

The most common question I get asked is, "How much do you make?" and I refrain from allowing a knee-jerk response because I see it as common sense (down ego!): "You are aware that it's entirely up to YOU to decide what you'll earn? This isn't a scratch off lotto ticket or get rich quick business." (For me, it IS my lotto because I DECIDE what I want to earn! There's no boss and I have my amazing support system!) Many put all IC's in one basket and assume that they will earn (or not earn) what that particular IC is earning if they decide to join their business. This is where some of the negative feedback comes in about our industry and it is as much the IC's fault as it is the one asking this question. People want instant gratification and if they are not consistently working on themselves to stay motivated, they fall in with the masses - it might feel comforting for them but it's the most dangerous place to be! (I'll elaborate more on this in another blog. Most get the gist of what I'm getting at.)

We are taught that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is and in many cases this is correct. However, when it comes to Network Marketing this is definitely not so! This is where relying on other people's opinions will do more damage to your financial future than good and you'll be wondering at 70 years old (as you stare at your measly social security check or pension plan) why you didn't listen to your INSTINCT - the little voice within telling you "what if this does work? GO FOR IT!" (For me, this is God's Will speaking and every time I ignore it, I regret it! I wasn't going to ignore it this time!) Your loved ones mean well if they try to discourage you, but have they researched it on their own or just heard about it through someone who knew someone else who "tried that thing and never got their new car"? Or maybe they were an IC once but gave up and yet still say 'that didn't work'. While the bottom line here is they just quit because they did not have a clear enough reason - their 'WHY' - to go after their dreams! (Most won't ever admit this truth because it'll make them feel worse about themselves and it's easier for them to 'fit in' and surround themselves with others who will justify their behavior. - This is what I call 'listening to the masses'.)

Bottom line is this - it comes down to one's mindset when owning a home-based franchise. (Which is really all it is without the overhead and fees. If you wanted to open a Starbuck's you wouldn't be working for anyone but you would have guidelines to follow for carrying the company's name: this includes franchise fees, product inventory... Not to mention you'd need enough to either rent or own a building to have your Starbuck's franchise.) Network Marketing is simple because it is duplicatable and what makes it difficult is the process of  sorting through 'the weeds' to get to the 'fruit'. I read somewhere that most people quit a Network Marketing company after hearing less than 5 'no's'! This is why we MUST mind our MIND daily! I can't tell you the negative comments I have received and still receive (especially from those I love sometimes). It can drain anyone, but I'm not going anywhere! At the end of the day, are the dream stealers going to pay our bills? Are they going to be there if something unforeseen happens to your main source of income? Life can change in an instant! Decide for YOU!  

I challenge you to do your own research into the Network Marketing Industry, (and work on personal development if any part of this article irked you a bit). If there's a particular NM company you're interested in, I suggest looking them up on (Direct Selling Association) to see if they're a member. If they aren't, find out why and do further research before joining.

Thank you for taking the time to read my first blog! I hope it was somewhat insightful as we are always our harshest critics & I'm not an English Grammar major;) 

Many Blessings~
Kathy Gover
Arbonne Independent Consultant #12609564

*NOTE: 3rd (or 4th depending on how you see it) paragraph I stated that NM is simple, NOT easy. There is a difference!*

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